Josip Kulundžić: Misteriozni Kamić – s posvetom Ljubomiru Markoviću od Josipa Kulundžića

46.45  (349.98 kn)

Šifra: BS – 25657

Izdavač i godina: Izdanje Vjenca, 1928.

Broj stranica: 54

Uvez: meki

Format: 24×16 cm

Stanje: izvrsno


Misteriozni Kamić, dramatizacija novinskog reporta. Prvo izdanje iz 1928. godine. Vrlo rijetko. U dobrom antikvarnom stanju, donji dio naslovnice malo potamnio od vremena.

Josip Kulundžić, vojvođanski Hrvat, predstavnik avangardnih strujanja u književnosti 20-ih i 30-ih godina. Kulundžić je bio  i jedan od začetnika SF-a na ovim prostorima ( roman Lunar, Beograd 1921.)

Josip Kulundzic stood out among the young Yugoslav playwrights writing between the two World Wars not only because of his talent but also because of his effort to keep his work in line with the most advanced currents in world literature. After his expressionist phase Kulundzic recognized a new major current in the works of Luigi Pirandello. Two of his plays from this transitional period, ‘The Mysterious Kamic’ and ‘Gabriel’s Face’ were to offer to the audience this modern dramatic expression, created under Pirandello’s influence, at the same time, however, entering into a polemic with the Italian author over the specific way he chose to create his work. In these two plays, and in his theoretical comments, Kulundzic left us a record of the period when active efforts were made to keep our native culture in step with the rest of the world.

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